Monday, March 5, 2018

Growing Up A Mok: Mighty Ducks 2

Mighty Ducks 2 likely spawned not only an illogical amount of ill will towards the country of Iceland but also a generation of kids hell-bent on pranking people who are passed out.  The movie came out when I was in elementary school, so I know all about the flying V, the triple deke, and the fact that Pat Riley looks exactly like the evil Iceland coach and is therefore never to be trusted.  But the best thing about D2 was the introduction of the shaving cream prank.

The prank is simple, as most genius ideas are.  Wait until the victim falls asleep.  Put an ample amount of shaving cream in his/her hand.  Use a feather to brush his/her face.  The victim will then also become the perpetrator by having to scratch his/her face with the hand loaded with shaving cream.  The perfect crime.

My friend Ryan, also a newfound prank enthusiast, was sleeping over at my house.  We waited until my brother Jason fell asleep, and then we snuck into his room and got to work.

Unfortunately, I lived in a shaving cream-free home, as my dad used an electric razor, so we had to find an alternative.  We actually didn't have any kind of cream, including whipped.  The only household item we could think of to do the trick?  Toothpaste.

Between muffled giggles, we squirted some Crest onto Jason's hands and then used a feather duster to try to get him to smear it onto his face.  Unfortunately, he wasn't being super cooperative, and the result ended up rather underwhelming.  Finally, we got tired and gave up and just put the toothpaste directly onto his face.  Then we called it a night and went to sleep.

The toothpaste didn't magically evaporate, of course, so I think Jason woke up with a burning sensation in his eyes and toothpaste all over the pillow and sheets.  My mother was quite unhappy, but she probably would have understood if she had caught the movie.

Now I can order some shaving cream off Amazon to try the same prank on the kids.  These suckers ain't ready.