Friday, January 9, 2015

Mok My Beans

There are two things that I have scoured the interwebs for at least once a year for 10+ years.  The first is a Jack in the Box commercial that spurred the creation of one of my oldest nicknames.  The second is a shred of photographic evidence of the best day of my friend Simon's life, in which he was originally asked by a passing girl to take a photograph of her and her friends and somehow ended up being in the picture while said girl kissed him on the cheek.

While the latter situation is one that will likely only live on in legend, a few days ago I stumbled upon the commercial that first coined the "Mok My Beans" nickname that a loyal few still recall to this day.  (Starts at the 6:20 mark.)

Now that I can finally check off that commercial from my life bucket list, and with such a glorious start to 2015, I figure new year's resolutions are in order.

My wife recently told me that everyone should have three kinds of hobbies: a fitness hobby, a money-making hobby, and a creative hobby.  So the creation of this blog essentially kills two birds in both serving as a creative outlet and representing a tangible way to help with another one of my resolutions: to keep in touch with my siblings until they come to their senses and return back to the great state of Texas.

So for all the imaginary people out there who have been waiting on pins and needles for the open-ended curtain call from mok's blog, wait no more.