Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Land of the Free, Home of the Not So Brave

I love America.  I love this country so much that my mind can't compute why anyone would choose to live elsewhere.  I love everything the stars and stripes stand for.

Which is why it is painful to see where we are headed.

I see racism thriving at the University of Missouri.  I see xenophobia highlighting Donald Trump's presidential campaign.  And now I see ignorance rejecting Syrian refugees.

How did we go from one nation under God to shutting out the people who need freedom most?

I realized a long time ago that the general public can be rather ignorant.  It's why the media has so much power to mold minds and warp opinions.  And obviously, under those circumstances, it's only a matter of time before fear takes over in light of the terrorist attacks in Paris.  Nobody wants another 9/11.

But this is the home of the brave, and bravery is not complete absence of fear, it is your character in spite of fear, no matter how unfounded those fears may be.

I thought we could rely on our leaders to be voices of reason, but instead of welcoming those without a place to call home, our governors are increasing the level of hatred and ignorance of their constituents.

I guess life is so much easier when you don't have to care about other people.

O say does that star-spangled banner yet wave.

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