Friday, November 20, 2015

5 Fast Break Thoughts re: the NBA

I'm still on an MLB hangover, with most of my remaining energy left to the NFL, but here are a few quick thoughts regarding the Association.

1. I'm not sure if it's only this year, but I had no idea people were so excited about the NBA season starting.  So many random people were downright giddy like kids the night before Christmas.  Aside from my hopes with the Astros getting crushed, I just wasn't in the mood to go all gung-ho with the first tip-off, mainly cuz I don't think playoff seeding matters at all in the West.  Also, it's gotten to the point where I have very little interest in watching a random NBA game that doesn't involve my squad, with two exceptions -- the San Antonio Spurs and the Atlanta Hawks.  Man, those teams play some beautiful basketball.

2. I'm still pinching myself that Kevin McHale got fired.  Not simply the fact that he's now gone, but the fact that he's gone so soon.  Pushing the OKC Thunder to 6 games a few seasons ago had the unfortunate effect of McHale getting much of the credit for it, and I was afraid that the Rockets "surprisingly" making it to the WCF last season would bear the same disgusting fruit.

Ladies and gentlemen, the Rockets made it to 2 games from the NBA Finals IN SPITE of McHale, not because of him.  Some of you may hate Mark Cuban, but he is right more often than not, and him calling Houston "predictable" was nothing out of the ordinary.  We were as predictable as the Texans running a draw play on 3rd and long.  Our offense was entirely dependent on James Harden.  And our defense was entirely dependent on Dwight Howard.  Both had to play at respective MVP and DPOY levels for the team to compete, and that is obviously not a lasting combination in this league.

Also, for anyone saying that Harden is having an "off" year because of distractions like his girlfriend or because he's not practicing hard enough... please.  The dude has added drastically to his repertoire every single offseason, from becoming the best foul-drawer in the game to developing the best Euro-step in the game to harnessing the best step-back in the game, and now he's included the ability to post up effectively.  Just try to imagine carrying a team offensively for a whole year, with few teammates scoring or making any plays without your help.

3. Maybe it's his mere proximity to the most annoying guy in the league in Draymond Green and the most overrated guy in the league in Klay Thompson, but I can't stand Stephen Curry these days.  I loved him way back in Davidson when he was this small, David vs Goliath teen, but now?  Dude is a brat that somehow still gets tagged as a humble hero.  And for everyone hating on Harden getting questionable calls, most of the time, the Beard gets hacked, and he embellishes it.  Meanwhile, anytime Curry gets into the lane and there's even a hint of physical contact, he gets the whistle.  But I guess that's how the golden child face of the NBA is treated.  I'm still happy that he didn't get the players' vote for MVP nor the Finals MVP last season.  Cuz I know it eats at him, too.

4. I couldn't sleep last night, so I stayed up watching the Warriors-Clippers game.  I can't pinpoint exactly why I'd put myself through that duress, as I despise both squads, but it still brings me joy seeing the Clips falter.  Nepotism is the downfall of that organization.  You just can't have Austin Rivers play a significant role on your team and expect greatness.  It's like Doc felt obligated to watch all his son's games, but he also didn't want to spring for NBA League Pass.  The Clippers stay the Clippers.

5. For what it's worth, Blake Griffin is no longer on my hate list.  The starting 5 for that recognition are Chris Paul, Draymond Green, Kevin Garnett, Matt Barnes, and Terrence Jones.

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