Tuesday, November 10, 2015

What are you willing to DIE for?

The title's a bit melodramatic, I know, but it's been on my mind ever since September 25th, when I watched EVEREST.  (It's hard for me to type that word without capitalizing every letter.)

I was visiting my brother in Kansas City, and we decided to go catch EVEREST after a day of overeating.  I think we had both read Into Thin Air before, but it had been at least a decade and a half for me, so the movie was quite the refresher.  Then after the credits rolled, we went home and looked up the different characters on Wikipedia for the rest of the night.

I'll try to avoid any spoilers, but it has always boggled my mind what people are willing to die for.  Obviously, nobody goes to EVEREST with the intent of losing their life, but you know the risk is there.

But to many, myself not included, the accomplishment is worth the risk, not to mention the money.  Maybe I'm just wired differently, but anytime I need that many layers of clothing and an oxygen tank, count me out.

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